Ones upon a time.
there was a clan called STB no one know what STB stood for but i dont think anyone cared anyways .
anyways one day the clan join a beta called Dust 514 .
it was a bate of a game to end all games !
so they join and said WERE HERE TO **** BITCHES ! but littel did they know the Dark side to this lovely happy FPS MMO RPG to end alll games This game was Hooked up to a game Called EVE online !!!!

and in that game lived some of the worst players you could every dream up TROLLS TROLLING TROLLING TROLLING TROLLS TROLLING TROLLS !!! SCAMERS , GREIFFERS !, and INTERNET TOUGH GUYS ! PEDOS ! /B/TARDS , SA users , and so on !!! and worse the bad furry one thats all ways washing you! planing your fall from power in anyway !
and with that being said there fall from power started !
at 1st it took some time to get to know the ropes of the game but thay did finding that HD was poor in this game they started using tanks and did they use em not a game when buy with out there tanks in that mach .... but little did they know the powers of EVE were working and on the move to best them !!!
soon affter the 3rd build they rley got to use them tanks got so out of haed they they made the mistake of posting up on the forums saying that no one can beat there one..... this of all things was there undoing for in the dark game of eve you may have one may get his or her power but one must be careful with what you say and do because everyone is looking to take it away!
with the post up meany eve players and not eve players started to turn there guns on the clan STB homing there skills in AV working on every way to bring this so called Best at Dust514 down to there knees and if not pull them from there tanks and show them like in EVE there IS NO GODS ! everyone bleeds and everyone has there week points.
but worst of all The Bad Furry took a look at there post .
the bad furry know to well how eve worked and the ways in witch you can kill one to menny in it knew just what needed to be done...... looking back at his 2 tanks he knew team work was not going to happin as the battles were random and team mates getting to and knowing how to work with each other with AV was low. so he did what any good eve player would do to some one who was op.
he knows that anyone with too much power gets cocky and is ez to trap and kill but ones killed they become in raged and like a mad bull with come at you even if it means getting killed over and over by the same trap .
now tank cost ISK a lot of ISK so if you do the math if he can kill just one tank in every game they will start to show up in less and less tanks and the only way to get the isk back anf fast is to use low cost isk drop suits and stop team grouping as this slows your isk income down and if they start runing alone then that makes them even ezer to kill on one on one. which being a eve player Bad Furry was gifted in driving and flying vehicles and that he knew gives him self alll the edge he needs to win.
so with that days when by and STB started taking loss after loss in tanks with the other players all so joining in and the game being a beta hard freezing and because STB used there hi price drop suits when in them with in a week the so called Clan that was Good with tanks HAD NO TANKS ! and with that they lost there power.
as for the players they when back to fighting ech other and as for the Bad Furry he did what any EVE play would do sit in the top of the killbord for a week be for giving it back . knowing full well he got what he came up there for.. . --->
PICnow be for you say it no he do,s not hate STB he is just respecting there skills as players in the game he is in.
after all the more power you get the more respect you should get! thats how EVE works and thats how he thinks dust 514 should work as well.
BTW EvE players dint say it You Would Like It !